Tag: 5 bedroom
6224 Quander Rd, Alexandria VA 22307 Listed
5 Bedroom in 22307 Asking $1,250,000
Let Nesbitt Realty & Management know if you're pondering large properties in Alexandria. 6224 Quander Rd is an example of large properties in 22307. Take a look at what's new at Springbank in 22307 in Fairfax County. Moreover, even if you are not impressed by what this detached home has to offer, a real estate shopper can benefit from this information. Continue readingAre You Considering A Purchase Of Real Estate In 22306?

06 Mountaineer, Alexandria VA 22306 For Sale
Useful Facts For Home Purchasers Shopping In The Alexandria Area
There’s a wealth of information available for buyers considering homes like 06 Mountaineer in the Alexandria area.The Alexandria Area Things
- The average days on market in the Alexandria area is 48 days.
- The average living area in the Alexandria area is 1,915 sqft. On the other hand, 06 Mountaineer has 2,791 sqft of living area.
- The Alexandria Area has an average price per square foot of $542 . On the other hand, 06 Mountaineer is $287 per sqft.
- Did you know that brick is the most common type of exterior in the Alexandria area?
- 2630 Fort Farnsworth Rd #2d is the least expensive home in the Alexandria area. 2630 Fort Farnsworth Rd #2d is listed for $174,900. But, 210 Duke St is the highest-priced home in the Alexandria area. 210 Duke St is asking $4,985,000.
- The median age of homes in the Alexandria area is 48 years. 06 Mountaineer is 0 years old.
05 Mountaineer Dr, Alexandria VA 22306 Listed For Sale
$755,990 || Alexandria Virginia 22306
So, is 05 Mountaineer Dr the home for you? Possibly. To answer that with confidence, Will Nesbitt has to know the answer to a number of questions. Can you afford $755,990? Is it actually worth $776,000 or $724,000? Are you searching for a $755,990 5-bedroom residence in Alexandria? Do you need 4 full baths and 1 half baths? How would you like Nesbitt Realty to rebate you $4,582 on this real estate purchase? If you have questions about 05 Mountaineer Dr, or the real estate market in 22306 in Fairfax County, email Will Nesbitt today. Continue readingIs A Condo Like 7112 Marine Dr In Alexandria Right For You?

3 Days On Market In 22306 – $800,000
This detached home at Calvert Park is an example of what you can buy today in 22306.
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210 Duke St, Alexandria VA 22314 Advertised For Sale
Real Estate Aspects In The Alexandria Area
Monika Ortiz thinks 210 Duke St is a very interesting place in Alexandria. It's probably a good value. However, Monika Ortiz can't recommend that you buy this home right now. That's because, Monika Ortiz's goal isn't to sell you this duplex. Monika Ortiz's goal is to help you to Discover your dream duplex. There are so many questions to ask yourself.There are a lot of things to mull over. Case in point:
How much can you afford? Does your price range have any room to move up or down? Is the cooling system important to you? Did you know that this community's most common cool systems are central a/c? Does the hot-water heater matter to you? Do you prefer gas or electric? The most common hot-water heater at section is electric. Continue readingConsidering A Purchase Of For Your Best Buy On An Interesting Place In 22307
If you're contemplating real estate in Alexandria and your budget is about $1,300,000, here are a few attractive options to choose from.
This residence has 5 bedrooms with 4 full baths and 1 half-baths in 4,292 sqft.
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Millennial Condo In 22102 In Fairfax County

5 beds, 5 full, 2 part baths
Home size: 6,005 sqft
Added: 03/04/23, Last Updated: 05/05/2023
Property Type: Detached Home for Sale
MLS Number: VAFX2115144
Subdivision: The Reserve