How Much Do Residences Cost At Old Town Alexandria in 22314 in Alexandria?
Buying real estate in the Alexandria area not unlike 510 S Pitt St for most people is the most complex financial investment an average American will make in their life. In addition, as a Realtor with local market knowledge about 22314, Nesbitt Realty is a property hunter's protector who knows the information and emotional support that purchasers need if choosing and acquiring a detached home in 22314. As a matter of fact, there are always risks in 22314 real estate. But, a Northern Virginia ace like Nesbitt can advise you to manage or avoid many of the risks associated with buying a home in Alexandria, Virginia.
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19th-Century 19th-Century Interior Unit Townhouse || Alexandria VA 22314
Monika Ortiz thinks 1117 Duke St is a very interesting interior unit townhouse in 22314 in Alexandria. It's probably a good value. However, Monika Ortiz can't recommend that you buy this property right now. That's because, Monika Ortiz's goal isn't to sell you this interior unit townhouse. Monika Ortiz's goal is to help you to Spot your dream place of residence. It's a wise idea to sort out your priorities. What do you absolutely need from your home? What would be nice if you could find it?
When you're making your list of priorities, have you thought about:
How many bedrooms do you need? 1117 Duke St is a 3-bedroom interior unit townhouse. Do you want a basement? more than one third of the interior unit townhouses in this section have a basement. Do you want a basement? more than one third of the interior unit townhouses in this section have a basement.
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Monika Ortiz thinks 210 Duke St is a very interesting place in Alexandria. It's probably a good value. However, Monika Ortiz can't recommend that you buy this home right now. That's because, Monika Ortiz's goal isn't to sell you this duplex. Monika Ortiz's goal is to help you to Discover your dream duplex. There are so many questions to ask yourself.
There are a lot of things to mull over. Case in point:
How much can you afford? Does your price range have any room to move up or down? Is the cooling system important to you? Did you know that this community's most common cool systems are central a/c? Does the hot-water heater matter to you? Do you prefer gas or electric? The most common hot-water heater at section is electric.
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$999,000 :: 2 Bedroom in 22314 in the City of Alexandria at Old Town Alexandria
Should you lose sleep over purchasing an interior unit townhouse like 527 Wilkes St in the Alexandria area?
Possibly, you're overlooking a better location? If you're from out of the area or if you are not an expert in The City of Alexandria real estate, it's easy to miss some of the many homes for sale. But, Monika Ortiz will interview you to learn more about your needs and help identify the best property for you. In addition, there are always pitfalls in The City of Alexandria real estate. Above all, a friendly agent comparable to Monika is able to assist you to manage or avoid many of the dangers associated with buying an interior unit townhouse in 22314 in the City of Alexandria.
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If you're looking in Alexandria, Virginia with a prequalified spending limit of about $3,650,000 this is a great real estate to put on your list of choices. Will this residence suit your needs?
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How much will real estate at Old Town Alexandria sell for?
What is your home in the City of Alexandria at Old Town Alexandria actually worth? Nesbitt Realty can help you find the market value of your real estate in the City of Alexandria for free. Nesbitt Realty
Contact Nesbitt Realty to get a free and more accurate assessment of your place of residence's value. Nesbitt can also prepare a marketing plan to show to you how we plans to get you the best price as quickly as possible.
$1,650,000 ⁞ ⁞ 3 Bedroom in 22314 at Old Town Alexandria
601 S Lee St is located in the Alexandria area of Northern VA. Here are a few specifics for purchasers who are looking at this area to reflect on.
Real Estate Pieces of Info About The 22314 Area
The median age of homes in the 22314 area is 36 years. 601 S Lee St is 223 years old.
The 22314 Area has an average price per square foot of $658
. But, 601 S Lee St is $783 per sqft.
The average days on market in the 22314 area is 96 days.
The average living area in the 22314 area is 1,463 sqft. Conversely, 601 S Lee St has 2,106 sqft of living area.
Did you know that brick is the most common type of exterior in the 22314 area?
1804 W Abingdon Dr #102 is the least expensive home in the 22314 area. 1804 W Abingdon Dr #102 is listed for $1,700. But, 601 & 607 Oronoco St is the highest-priced home in the 22314 area. 601 & 607 Oronoco St is asking $5,400,000.
As a matter of fact, this data is deemed accurate but not guaranteed. Still, this information will change. What is true and accurate today, 07/23/2022, will not be entirely accurate tomorrow or the day before. Check with Julie Nesbitt for the latest real estate info from the 22314 area or for information about residences such as 601 S Lee St.
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Do you worry about purchasing real estate like 724 Gibbon St in The City of Alexandria?
The average days on market in Old Town Alexandria is 113. Do you know if this advantages you, or disadvantages you in negotiations? Stuart Nesbitt has the experience to position you to get the home you want. Actually, there are other problems which can be challenging to overcome. Conversely, a real estate professional like Stuart can manage and overcome dangers associated with buying a place of residence in Alexandria.
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Julie is a full-time real estate pro specializing condos in Alexandria, Virginia.
800 S Saint Asaph St #402 is appears to be a smart purchase for many reasons. But Julie N. is not recommending you buy this property, or any particular condo in The City of Alexandria. At least, not until I know your goals. It's more important to me that we find the right condominium for you.
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What Quality Of Residence Can I Purchase In 22314 For $1,200,000?
All buyers have a list of hopes, desires and needs, but everything on that list is bounded by the price the shopper can (or wants to) pay for a new place. This home is selling for $1,200,000. Stuart Nesbitt tells us at a price of $1,200,000, 529 S Fairfax St, Alexandria VA is attractive to really consider.
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