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5902 Mount Eagle Dr #1406, Alexandria Real Estate Advisory

What Type Of Home Can I Obtain In 22303 in Alexandria For $450,000?

So, is 5902 Mount Eagle Dr #1406 the property for you? That depends. Can you afford $450,000? Is it actually worth $472,395 or $427,405? Are you shopping for a modest 2-bedroom place in Alexandria, Virginia? Do you need 2 full baths and 0 half baths? How would you like Nesbitt Realty to rebate you $2,095 on this condo acquisition? To take a closer look at this 1,195 sqft home reach out to buyers agent Nesbitt Realty & Management. He can help you with any 2-bedroom Traditional-style home listed for sale in 22303 in Alexandria. Continue reading "5902 Mount Eagle Dr #1406, Alexandria Real Estate Advisory"
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5902 Mount Eagle Dr #611, Alexandria Real Estate Advisory

Weighing options regarding Condos At Montebello Condo? Consider This Condo.

There’s a wealth of information available for home shoppers contemplating condos comparable to 5902 Mount Eagle Dr #611 in the Alexandria area.

Real Estate Considerations About The Alexandria Area

  • The median age of homes in the Alexandria area is 47 years. 5902 Mount Eagle Dr #611 is 40 years old.
  • The Alexandria Area has an average price per square foot of $476 . In contrast, 5902 Mount Eagle Dr #611 is $333 per sqft.
  • The average days on market in the Alexandria area is 132 days.
  • The average living area in the Alexandria area is 1,711 sqft. On the other hand, 5902 Mount Eagle Dr #611 has 1,045 sqft of living area.
  • Did you know that brick is the most common type of exterior in the Alexandria area?
8121 Norwood Dr #A is the least expensive home in the Alexandria area. 8121 Norwood Dr #A is listed for $980. On the other hand, 7983 E Boulevard Dr is the highest-priced home in the Alexandria area. 7983 E Boulevard Dr is asking $45,000,000. Not to mention, this data is deemed accurate but not guaranteed. Conversely, this data will change.  What is true and accurate today, 12/10/2022, will not be entirely accurate tomorrow or the day before. Check with Stuart Nesbitt for the latest real estate info from the Alexandria area or for about information about homes such as 5902 Mount Eagle Dr #611. Continue reading "5902 Mount Eagle Dr #611, Alexandria Real Estate Advisory"
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5902 Mount Eagle Dr #611, Alexandria VA 22303 Listed

Would You Be Willing To Spend $350,000 For A 1,045 Sqft Residence In Alexandria, Virginia?

What Nesbitt Realty really likes about working in the 22303 zip code, is that 22303 is a great place to find a home like 5902 Mount Eagle Dr #611 that really fits a purchaser shopping in the Alexandria area. Looking at these photos and prices from Fairfax County, it's easy to see why this is one of our favorite neighborhoods in 22303. Indeed, you could be surprised by what this residence has right here in Fairfax County. Continue reading "5902 Mount Eagle Dr #611, Alexandria VA 22303 Listed"
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5904 Mount Eagle Dr #811, Alexandria VA 22303 Listed For Sale

Can You Get A 1 Bedroom Unit/Flat In 22303 in Alexandria For $300,000?

Should you worry about shelling out $300,000 for a condo like 5904 Mount Eagle Dr #811 in 22303 in Alexandria? In addition, you may want to know more about the schools. But, Julie Nesbitt can provide information to help you learn more about Cameron Elementary School, and Edison, and Thomas Jefferson High Schools. In fact, there are always pitfalls in 22303 in Alexandria real estate.  But even so, a patient real estate professional similar to Julie is able to help you to manage or avoid many of the pitfalls  associated with buying a residence in Alexandria, Virginia. Continue reading "5904 Mount Eagle Dr #811, Alexandria VA 22303 Listed For Sale"
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5904 Mount Eagle Dr #1607, Alexandria VA 22303 On The Market

How Much Do Listings Cost At Montebello Condo in 22303 in Alexandria?

5904 Mount Eagle Dr #1607 is appears to be an intelligent purchase for many reasons. But Nesbitt Realty is not recommending you buy this condo, or any particular residence in Alexandria ... at least, not until your agent know your goals. It's more important to me that we find the most compatible home for you. What are your needs? What are your wants?

In general, these are not particularly difficult decisions, However they are decisions that only you can make. For example:

Do you want a basement? none of the condos in this community have a basement. The highest priced condo in the section is listed for $549,500. Do you know if 5904 Mount Eagle Dr #1607 is a good value? Does the hot-water heater matter to you? Do you prefer gas or electric? The most common hot-water heater at section is natural gas. Continue reading "5904 Mount Eagle Dr #1607, Alexandria VA 22303 On The Market"
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5904 Mount Eagle Dr #1102, Alexandria VA 22303 Listed For Sale

$299,900 ~ 1 Bedroom in 22303 in Fairfax County at Montebello Condo

Buying a home like 5904 Mount Eagle Dr #1102 is likely to be the most important monetary investment most residents of Fairfax County will ever make. In fact, as a local agent, Monika Ortiz is a buyer client's advocate who understands the instructive support and emotional reliability that home shoppers need when shopping for and purchasing a condo. Not to mention, there are always dangers in 22303 real estate.  Above all, an attentive Realtor such as Monika is able to advise you to manage or avoid many of the risks  associated with buying a condo in 22303 in Alexandria. Continue reading "5904 Mount Eagle Dr #1102, Alexandria VA 22303 Listed For Sale"

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