Important Real Estate Basics About 5678 Stephanie Tessa Way in Alexandria, Virginia
Well ... is 5678 Stephanie Tessa Way the right home for you? Maybe.
Are you searching for a $449,990 3-bedroom interior unit townhouse in 22303? Can you afford $449,990? Is it actually worth $505,000 or $395,000? Do you need 2 full baths and 1 half baths? How would you like Nesbitt Realty to rebate you $2,096 on this interior unit townhouse acquisition? Indeed, real estate has proven to have a long-term, stable growth in value.
WORK FORCE HOUSING buyer income limits apply. This home may qualify for down payment assistance program. See new homes consultant for ... [Read more]
$449,990 ‧ 3 BR ‧ 2 BA ‧ 1 HB ‧ 1,886 SQFT ‧
Alexandria 22303 VA
Neighborhoods In Alexandria With Selections Around $449,990
All the places in this table have residences listed for sale which are roughly the same price as 5678 Stephanie Tessa Way. Why identify enclaves like this? Because, by comparing a few neighborhoods, a home buyer can better understand what is as a matter of fact available in Alexandria.
What Styles Are Available For A Similar List Price In 22303?
Have you thought about what style of home you like? If you want to spend around $449,990 in 22303, there are only so many options to choose from. The selections are shown on the chart above.
Updated information about
5678 Stephanie Tessa Way ‧
Huntington Crossing ‧
Alexandria ‧
22303 ‧
Alexandria Home Buying Tips
Julie's advice of the day for buyers looking at 5678 Stephanie Tessa Way in Alexandria
The listing agent represents the seller. Julie Nesbitt is a buyer's real estate agent specializing in buyers who need to buy in 22303. For an asking price of $449,990, you can call this property in 22303 yours. Interior Unit Townhouses in Huntington Crossing were built in 2023. Compare this to 30 years of median age for properties in Fairfax County. Do you know what's NOT covered in a home inspection? The agents at Nesbitt Realty do this. Julie Nesbitt can give you an idea when you may want another professional to take a look at your interior unit townhouse prior to purchase.
Comparable In Price To 5678 Stephanie Tessa Way
Julie Nesbitt can advise you, if you would like to take a closer look at 5678 Stephanie Tessa Way or any of the homes below. In addition, if needed, Julie can provide details and more information.
Nesbitt Realty is a local real estate company serving Alexandria, Virginia.
Nesbitt Realty is offering a rebate of $2,096 to any buyer that uses Julie Nesbitt to purchase 5678 Stephanie Tessa Way. As a home buyer you can deduct your property taxes, and many of the costs involved in buying a home in Fairfax County. Ask
Julie Nesbitt to explain the benefits of buying. She can help.