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6608 E Wakefield Dr #A2, Alexandria Real Estate Dispatch

Learn More About in Northern VA 22307 :: $200,000

6608 E Wakefield Dr #A2 is a wonderful residence, On the other hand it's not for every buyer. There are many factors to consider.

What may be a benefit to you, could be a downside for another buyer. What are your preferences?

Maybe you should rent? Do you like to live in a neighborhood with a lot rentals? Do you prefer to live in a neighborhood with few rentals? Currently for rent at Belle View Condominiums How many bedrooms do you need? 6608 E Wakefield Dr #A2 is a 1-bedroom condo. What style of condo do you prefer? If you like colonial condos, you'll love the place around 6608 E Wakefield Dr #A2. Photo of 6608 E Wakefield Dr #A2

This one bedroom condo is perfect for commuters and sits off of a quiet courtyard. The open living space flows into a hallway that leads you to the bedroom. Don't miss the spacious closet in the hallway for all of your storage needs. Laundry ... [Read more]

$224,888 :: 1 BR :: 1 BA :: 0 HB :: Alexandria

About The Same Size As 6608 E Wakefield Dr #A2?

All the homes in this table are about the same living area as 6608 E Wakefield Dr #A2. Why compare properties of a similar size to 6608 E Wakefield Dr #A2 in Alexandria? What is more, by comparing similarly-sized homes, a property hunter can better understand the asking price and the real estate market in Alexandria.
Budget (1 to $300,000)8 Active
Entry-Level (400001 to $550,000)4 Active
Choice (550001 to $750,000)1 Active

Neighborhoods In 22307 With Options Around $224,888

All the communities in this table have homes for sale which are about the same living area as 6608 E Wakefield Dr #A2. Why identify communities like this? Because, by comparing various neighborhoods, a home buyer can get what is indeed available in 22307.

How Much Home Can You Get In Alexandria For Around $224,888?

Are you wondering how much living area you can purchase for the same price as 6608 E Wakefield Dr #A2? The table below shows the sizes of other smaller homes now listed for sale in Alexandria. All of these condos cost around as much as 6608 E Wakefield Dr #A2.
Tiny (1 to 600 sqft)8 Active
Smaller (601 to 700 sqft)6 Active
Small (701 to 1,100 sqft)14 Active
Modest (1101 to 1,500 sqft)3 Active
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1 beds, 1 full baths

Home size: 623 sqft

Added: 08/26/22, Last Updated: 08/26/2022

Property Type: Condo for Sale

MLS Number: VAFX2090828

Subdivision: Belle View Condominiums


List Price: 224888.00


Alexandria Home Buying Clues

Will's surprising tips of the day for buyers looking at 6608 E Wakefield Dr #A2 in Alexandria

On the other hand, Will Nesbitt can provide objective data about 6608 E Wakefield Dr #A2 and help you use that data to help you determine if this condo has what you need. This home is selling at 6608 E Wakefield Dr #A2 for an asking price of $224,888. The median age of homes in Alexandria is 44 years old. Find the licensed real estate adviser in Alexandria, Virginia that can save you money! Very few agents rebate money to shoppers. Conversely, Nesbitt Realty will rebate $609 to you when you purchase at 6608 E Wakefield Dr #A2. That's real money that comes to you the home shopper when you use Will Nesbitt. Will Nesbitt is known for being local and well prepared when dealing with purchasers in Alexandria.

Additional Listings About The Same Price

Will Nesbitt can assist you, if you would like to inspect 6608 E Wakefield Dr #A2 or any of the residences below. As a matter of fact, if needed, Will can provide details and more information.

Nesbitt Realty saves buyer's money.

Call Will Nesbitt to learn more about how we can save you money on your purchase at 6608 E Wakefield Dr #A2 or anywhere in 22307 in Alexandria.
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