Choice Mid-Sized Interior Unit Townhouse :-: Alexandria VA 22303
Location and price are probably the two biggest factors for interior unit townhouse buyers. Compare this interior unit townhouse at 5689 Stephanie Tessa Way to others in 22303 to understand what $650,000 can buy in Alexandria, Virginia. If your buying budget is approximately $650,000 and you're hunting properties in Alexandria you may want to reach out to Julie Nesbitt to visit 5689 Stephanie Tessa Way.

$674,990 :-: 3 BR :-: 2 BA :-: 1 HB :-: Alexandria Virginia
Huntington Crossing is a community of new luxury three- and four-level townhomes for sale in Alexandria, VA offering the perfect combination of urban accessibility and historic appeal. Located right across the street from Huntington Metro ... [Read more]
About The Same Size As 5689 Stephanie Tessa Way In Fairfax County?
All the places in this table are circa the same living area as 5689 Stephanie Tessa Way. Why compare properties of a similar size to 5689 Stephanie Tessa Way in Fairfax County? Indeed, by comparing similarly-sized interior unit townhouses, a home hunter can better understand the asking price and the real estate market in Fairfax County and Northern Virginia.
Our real estate agents are professionals dedicated to excellence in real estate.
What Styles Are Available For A Similar List Price In Fairfax County?
Have you thought about what style of home you like? If you want to spend around $674,990 in Fairfax County, there are only so many selections to choose from. The choices are shown on the chart below.
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5689 Stephanie Tessa Way :-:
Huntington Crossing :-:
Alexandria :-:
22303 :-:
Alexandria Home Buying Tips
Julie's advice of the day for buyers looking at 5689 Stephanie Tessa Way in Alexandria
It's best to rely on a local specialist like Julie Nesbitt to seek homes. Ad hoc searches without professional assistance rarely return right results. The median age of properties in Alexandria is 44 years old. 5689 Stephanie Tessa Way will set you back $674,990 if you want to buy in Alexandria, Virginia. Purchasing an interior unit townhouse can be stressful. Getting an interior unit townhouse in 22303 can be even more tricky. In a difficult time it's a good idea to get objective hints from a local Realtor like
Julie Nesbitt.
Related By Price To 5689 Stephanie Tessa Way
Julie Nesbitt can guide you, if you would like to visit 5689 Stephanie Tessa Way or any of the interior unit townhouses below. Moreover, if needed, Julie can provide details and more information.
Nesbitt Realty saves buyer's money.
Get in touch with Julie Nesbitt to learn more from a trusted professional on Alexandria real estate.