1 Bedroom in Alexandria For About $300,000
Small Condo For $290,000 in Alexandria
2451 Midtown Ave #815, Alexandria VA recently came to the real estate market and is listed for $290,000. Therefore, you may want to consider this residence (depending upon your budget). Compare 2451 Midtown Ave #815 to others similarly-sized residences in 22303 in Alexandria. $290,000 ↔ 1 BR ↔ 1 BA ↔ 0 HB ↔ 707 SQFT ↔ 2451 Midtown Ave #815 Alexandria 22303 VA ↔ Midtown Alexandria Station Condominium ↔Beautiful close-in building 1/2 block (or less) from the Huntington Metro. Step in to the secure lobby and instantly feel like you are being pampered in a luxury hotel. The common areas are very sleek and stylish with broad hallways and ... [Read more]

About The Same Size As 2451 Midtown Ave #815?
All the properties in this table are about the same living area as 2451 Midtown Ave #815. Why compare properties of a similar size to 2451 Midtown Ave #815 in Alexandria? Besides, by comparing similarly-sized homes, a home buyer can better understand the asking price and the real estate market in Alexandria.▲ | ▼ |
Budget (1 to $300,000) | 11 Active |
Affordable (300001 to $400,000) | 4 Active |
Entry-Level (400001 to $550,000) | 4 Active |
Choice (550001 to $750,000) | 2 Active |